Trash TV

You know, there is nothing wrong with watching the show Hoarders on A&E just like there is nothing wrong with:
- Gawking at a car accident
- Giving the stink eye to a stranger's child throwing a 45 minute tantrum
- Marveling at a not so pretty girl trying real hard to be real pretty
In other words, even though you know better, you do it anyway. Sort of like picking a zit or dating an alcoholic.
Not surprisingly, Hoarders is about people who refuse to throw things away. There are a lot of embarrassed children and dead cats on this show. The humiliated children are not a surprise but the cat carcasses often are. Not to me but to the people on the show. Let's be real: if you live in a big ol' litter box, you can expect a few feline friends wanting to come over and play. For some reason, I watched two episodes of this show last night. I should be scolded. But no one was there to witness it except The Man Upstairs.
Hoarders. It's between me and my god, now.
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