2009 Predictions by Bouvier!
- A new year, a new you! Or at least that's what the gyms and department stores would like you to believe. It's not true, I'm sorry to say. You will still be you in 2009. This is my first prediction.
- You will waste many hours on Facebook - Whether it's finding out whatever happened to Laura Wymer from your 8th grade biology class, playing Scrabble, sending hugs, or quizzing all the people you know about Patrick Swayze movies, you will waste many precious hours on Facebook. What could you be doing instead? Cleaning out your closets, feeding your kids, feeding yourself, solving the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, humping, etc.
- Turbans are in and the doo rag is out!
- A return of feathered hair. And not just the blow dried kind, either. True, F
arrah is a fine feathered inspiration, but so is the feathered roach clip behind one ear, the knee length Sitting Bull crown, and of course, The Falcon. Yes, I am saying people will be walking around with birds hovering around their heads. You read it here first.
- There will be a creme brulee shortage in the Northeast of the US for all of March and the first week of April. With great urgency I say, "Be prepared!" Go to Trader Joe's. Get the canned kind. Whatever. Just don't try to live without it.
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