A likely story
I hate that this person wants me to believe that he fell asleep on his books and that somebody with a magically light touch came over and made razor art on his head. Yeah, sure thing, pal. Whatever you say. Oh, I know, this guy - his name is probably Ben Wilson or Ben Simpson - fell asleep in a chemistry lecture and, lo and behold, guess who just happened to be auditing that lecture? That's right, Edward Scissorhands. Why auditing? Because Edward already has a BFA in textiles and he's only taking chemistry to better himself. So Edward looked at Ben who was sleeping on his a pile of books he hadn't even cracked open - Jesus, Ben, don't make me laugh - and snipped, snipped, snipped away in his sad goth-pansy way. No, Ben, I don't buy it for two seconds. Okay, I believed it for one second but now I am sure this is a joke and you were in on it.

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