Out of Touch
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Ugly Things #3

Oui, il est mon Oncle Kel - quel horrreur! As you can see, he too is a "fancy plogger." But don't hate. He's a good man. A kind man. A complicated man. But yes, an ugly man and that's why his photo must live among the Ugly Things.
I had sex with...

I had sex with Menudo. It's hard to talk about it. I mean, yes, I did it and yes I loved every hour of it but...well. This is really hard for me to say. I thought they were New Edition. I, Bouvier, had a mother who thought that many wonderful things in life were evil. Things like salt, make up, sugar cereal, and television. So not only was I stuck trying to enjoy cold clots of honey on Shredded Wheat for breakfast, when I went out into the world, I was downright gullible! A friend had made me a cassette of New Edition. I listened to it endlessly and when I saw Menudo eating poached eggs in Baker's Square, I flipped out. I ran to their table and said, "I love your band." The one I thought was Bobby said, "Prove it." So I did. I'm so ashamed. I mean only one of them is famous now. One! And he's probably gay. Why is life so cruel?

Monday, January 19, 2009
It is not often that I bring readers into my personal space but since it's snowing, I'm unemployed, and rather drunk, I thought I'd invite you to a private viewing. Yes, it's the Bouvier Collection of Fine Arts!
As you can imagine, I have always had a keen and delicate eye for all things marginally representational. So over the years, I have filled my home, my life, with artistic treasures and you can, too. It's easy. Here are two pieces I recently acquired at auction:

This objet d'art above is called "Why the Hell Did You Adopt Me, White Lady?" I'm not sure what it's about but if I ever meet the artist, I will serve her a nice big plate of egg foo yung and ask.
As common in the art world (that's where those of us in the know live - the art world), many children take after their parents. This next painting entitled, "Just Another Tuesday," was done by none other than Diana Taylor, Janica's mom.

That's little Janica and her sister, Heartbeat, clamoring for Diana's nippless breasts. Is that a family portrait or is that a family portrait? Just like Janica's tears, if I put my hand to it, I can almost feel the love. Almost.
Many people do not like clowns. Personally, I love them. I find they offer a kind of solace usually only found with Bostonian priests, small town cops, and Greyhound bus drivers on meth, like my dad. When I find myself in times of trouble, I only have to look at "Kolonoscopy the Klown" by Maurice Higgins and I know there's a just and loving god watching over me.

2009 Predictions by Bouvier!
- A new year, a new you! Or at least that's what the gyms and department stores would like you to believe. It's not true, I'm sorry to say. You will still be you in 2009. This is my first prediction.
- You will waste many hours on Facebook - Whether it's finding out whatever happened to Laura Wymer from your 8th grade biology class, playing Scrabble, sending hugs, or quizzing all the people you know about Patrick Swayze movies, you will waste many precious hours on Facebook. What could you be doing instead? Cleaning out your closets, feeding your kids, feeding yourself, solving the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, humping, etc.
- Turbans are in and the doo rag is out!
- A return of feathered hair. And not just the blow dried kind, either. True, F
arrah is a fine feathered inspiration, but so is the feathered roach clip behind one ear, the knee length Sitting Bull crown, and of course, The Falcon. Yes, I am saying people will be walking around with birds hovering around their heads. You read it here first.
- There will be a creme brulee shortage in the Northeast of the US for all of March and the first week of April. With great urgency I say, "Be prepared!" Go to Trader Joe's. Get the canned kind. Whatever. Just don't try to live without it.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
From Crust to Crust by Duncan Murphy - Bing City Pizzeria, Garden State Mall, New Jersey

From crust to crust
Of pizza pie, I sing
A recipe of my own concoxion
Pepperoni alone is not worthy of attention
But when pair'd with red sauce spicy and sweet
'tis a different story
With a passion for cheese
I add three kinds: white, yellow, and the other white
You know, the one that you scoop with a spoon
O! Glory be thy sausage, mushroom, bell pepper, and basil
Fresh tomato? Yes.
Pineapple? Impure, but what the hell
Bacon! Chicken! Broccoli! Black olives and green!
Add them all, add them all.
And when it comes out of the oven
A round and weighty, gooey delight
I shall feast with Melissa from the fro-yo place
Who trades me bite for bite.